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  4.  » The Weekly Pulse – The Silver Linings In This Pandemic

Finally, after 4 months of quarantine and confinement our day-to-day activity in New York City is normalizing. We have successfully passed Phases 1 and 2 of the City’s re-opening plan which included restaurants offering outdoor dining service, bars, churches and retail stores.

The City continues to take applications from restaurant owners who want to open outdoor dining space. Indoor dining is postponed for the foreseeable future. So far over 6,500 restaurants have applied and opened dining outside as the mayor says.

On Monday, July 6, 2020 New York City transitioned to Phase 3 which includes personal care services such as tattoo and piercing facilities, appearance enhancements practitioners, fertility clinics, massage therapy, spas, cosmetology, nail specialty, UV and non-UV tanning, and waxing. New York Public Libraries, indoor dog runs, basketball courts, tennis courts, volleyball courts, handball courts, and bocce courts have also reopened but with social distancing policies enforce until it’s safe to resume normal functions.

In the midst of all this progress certain businesses that were deemed non-essential have as well as offices have reopened. As always we at The Law Offices of Marjory Cajoux, here to keep you informed of all the ways you can prosper in this season of reemergence. Below are a few lessons and notes of optimisms to take away from this pandemic:

  • Masks Tell the Truth
    • Initially, many choose not to wear a mask often finding the mandate unnecessary and uncomfortable. As the pandemic progressed many manufacturers created imaginative ways to convert these masks into signs of solidarity and shared vulnerability. Today, the novel COVID-19 has claimed over 130,00 lives in the U.S. alone. Hence, these masks have become a symbol of unification affirming that we are ALL in this together.

W.B. Yeats once famously wrote, “Give me a mask and I’ll tell you the truth.” implying that staying hidden allows for greater honesty. Our masks tell the truth: they are a visible signifier, that we are all in this together.

  • Health is Wealth
    • Our health is real and tangible wealth. Good health and intuition enable us to face the challenges of life. It is therefore important to prioritize your health and well-being. Good health promotes good physical, mental, and social well being and prosperity.
  • Realizing the Importance of Savings
    • It goes without saying the Coronavirus has unsettled the economy with potentially greater impacts to come. Quarantine and boredom can trigger impulse shopping, however now is the perfect time to create a budget for your household and your business. There are numerous apps you can download on your phone to help you stay the course, the most popular options being: MintClarity Money or EveryDollar.
    • We’d also like to include this article that is helpful in regards to financial stress and mental health and how to cope with it.
  • Slow Down, Enjoy the Small Things
    • Quarantine has essentially forced the world to slow down. Well laid plans have either been cancelled, postponed or set aside; simple daily pleasures such as enjoying that morning coffee at Starbucks, celebrating coworkers’ birthday or afterwork networking functions have been forgoes for Zoom meetings and Netflix binging. In the midst of all that, remains this golden opportunity to smell the roses and take pleasure in the small and simple things in life that were previously ignored.
  • Memories Are Gems to Be Gathered for Joy and Merriment
    • Prior to March 2020, the idea of any New York living in self-imposed quarantine and/or social distancing would seem bizarre something regulated for an episode of The Twilight Zone television series. However, it has become our lives for the past several months and as a City we’ve continued to thrive in spite of COVID-19.  One of our greatest weapons in the challenging times have been our memories. Even if via online or smartphone gatherings take time to call on family and friends to bringing back some good memories and prompt a positive mood. Good memories are what keeps us going.
  • Pandemic – A Test of Family Bonds, Friendships & Vested Relationships
    • Before the pandemic, hugs and kisses from loved one, dinning with friends, or business meetings over coffee was easy. However, social distancing has made connecting different and sometimes awkward. Fortunately, modern technology has made it easier than ever to connect remotely with those most dear: family, friends, co-workers, and classmates while following social distancing guidelines. Let’s enjoy them and praise the visionaries that gave birth to these wonderful tools.
  • Keep Dreaming – Don’t Postpone Your Goals
    • Dreams and goals are an essential part of all human life. They are rocket fuel for our progression and those advancements are collectively beneficial to your family, community, country and possibly the world. We urge you to keep dreaming, begin by listing and tacking the smaller and achievable ones first. If you didn’t have time to do it in the past, now is the perfect time. Once accomplished, you will be motivated to strive for those bigger dreams. Remember there is ‘no better time than today.’

We at The Law Offices of Marjory Cajoux want to kindly remind you of previous articles regarding resources and tips to help you or a loved one during this crucial time, we have included them here:

Special Edition: New COVID-19 Variants Flurona & IHU

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Save the Date!

We're hosting an Open House on Wednesday, November 17th from 12PM-2PM For Our Valued Clients! Please join us!

Our Founder is Being Featured!

Exciting News! Our owner Marjory Cajoux has been featured in LawDragon’s Lawyer Limelight (a Q&A series featuring discussions with top practitioners). See full article here.