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Helping You Obtain Your 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Benefits

On September 11, 2001, America was hit with one of the worst terrorist attacks in its history.  We are still coming to terms with the destruction caused at the Pentagon in Virginia, the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, the Twin Towers in Lower Manhattan and throughout NYC.  Toxic gases, dust, and other debris affected not only the survivors at Ground Zero in New York City, but also the thousands of first responders, clean-up crews, as well as those who worked, attended school, were hospitalized, or lived in the area.

In the years since 9/11, many survivors have developed cancers, respiratory illnesses, medical problems with their skin, eyes, sinuses, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, deafness and a host of other medical problems. If you or a loved one were present on that fateful day, or in the area between September 11, 2001 – May 30, 2002, you may be eligible for financial compensation through the WTC Compensation Fund.

The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act

This Act was signed into law after years of advocacy by 9/11 first responders and survivors who were suffering and dying after being exposed to deadly toxins, between September 11, 2001 and May 30, 2002 at Ground Zero, the Pentagon, the Staten Island Fresh Kill Landfill  or Shanksville, PA. This act extended the World Trade Center Health Program (WTC Health Program) to 2090.  It also extends the Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) for an additional 5 years and added an additional $4.6 billion to pay claims.

We are knowledgeable World Trade Center (VCF) attorneys who will advocate for your rights and get you and your family the benefits you deserve.

Who is Covered?

We work with all 9/11 survivors including fellow attorneys who had court appearances in Downtown Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan between September 2001 – May 2002. We work with Military Service Persons, Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Emergency Medical Personnel, Recovery-Clean Up Crews, MTA Train or Bus Operators, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Day Care Workers, Court Personnel, Paralegals, Office Workers, Reporters, Photographers, Couriers, Mail Delivery Personnel, Construction Workers, Residents, Students, as well as the Wives/ Husbands and Families of the victims.

What Health Conditions are Covered?

The 9/11 terrorist attacks created more victims in the years after the attack than it did on the day of the actual event. Since September of 2001 thousands of people were continually exposed to toxic smoke inhalation, toxic dust and debris coming from the contaminated zones. Many of these victims unknowingly exposed family members and loved one. They suffer from a multitude of illnesses and health symptoms which include, among others, hearing loss, adult and childhood cancers, leukemia, acute traumatic injury, respiratory issues, aerodigestive disorders, mesothelioma, lung disease reflux as well as other WTC related health conditions. To find out more about what other health conditions are covered by the WTC program as well as eligible medical care, please click here. We can help you with your WTC claim.

Other Benefits

Besides medical and financial claims, you might qualify for Post-9/11 VA credits for students through Bellevue Certification. We can help you find out if you qualify.

Let Us Help You Make Sense of it All

The Law Offices of Marjory Cajoux is here to support the survivors of 9/11 and the families of the fallen. Let us be your World Trade Center claim law firm. We understand your needs. For more information, call 347-464-2317 or send us an email.